Why Biblical Justice?

Written by Clint Elliott

The Pursuit of Biblical Justice

Biblical Justice is Our Duty

At the Justice Defense Foundation, we unapologetically promote, pursue, and defend biblical justice in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Why biblical justice? Biblical justice represents God’s view of what’s right in his world and protects the well-being of people based on God’s unchanging moral laws. Yet, as we pursue biblical justice, we sometimes hear pastors and others tell us they just want to focus on the gospel. I can’t help but wonder what “gospel” they’re thinking about and whether they understand the social and political context of the people who sit in the pews on Sunday morning.

“God is not just interested in the Church but in the world.”[1]

In 1974, over two thousand evangelical Christian leaders from 150 nations, led by evangelist Billy Graham and biblical scholar John Stott, came together in Lausanne, Switzerland, and signed the Lausanne Covenant affirming the essentials of the Christian faith. The Lausanne Covenant documents their agreement in the authority of Scripture and salvation in Jesus as the One and Only Savior of the world. It also documents their agreement that God desires the Church to advance biblical justice in society and rescue people from injustice.

The Gospel Coalition recently called the Lausanne Covenant “one of the most significant documents in modern church history, serving as a rallying cry and commitment for evangelicals around the world. . . . No other document better sums up the heart of the worldwide evangelical movement for mission and evangelism.” As it relates to biblical justice, the Lausanne Covenant declares that Christians have a duty “to be involved in social action (caring for society’s casualties) and in political action (concern for the structures of society itself).” Toward this end, the Lausanne Covenant declares that socio-political involvement represents a necessary expression of our love for our neighbors, our obedience to Christ, and our correct understanding of God. 

            Nearly fifty years later, I fear that too many church “leaders” today resist the frontlines of cultural engagement in exchange for a come-and-see ministry of self-preservation. This perspective limits the church’s influence in the world. Also, it contributes to the church’s failure to equip Christians for their ministry context outside of Sunday morning. More importantly, it misses the reality that biblical salvation means rescue from destruction. As the Lausanne Covenant declares, “Salvation is deliverance from evil; implicit in God’s desire to save people from evil is his judgment on the evil from which he saves them. God hates evil and injustice.”[2]

Today, evil and injustice manifest in the sexualization and exploitation of our children through the false narrative of gender ideology, the normalization of pornography, and the creation of new forms of child sex trafficking.  Salvation for these children involves rescue from evil and security in a new life in Christ. These matters undoubtedly represent gospel issues that should call the church to action outside the building. 

At JDF, we are on a rescue mission. Our rescue mission includes equipping courageous Christian parents, students, and teachers engaged to show up, stand up, and speak up in the fight for biblical justice. In 2023, JDF touched the four corners of the Commonwealth to champion a Christian response to gender ideology in our public schools, participating in workshops in Bowling Green, Owensboro, Prestonsburg, La Grange, Lawrenceburg, and Lexington.  As a result, we saw Christians in several communities persuasively influence their local boards of education for positive change. In addition, JDF helped raise individuals who brought to light the need for legal reforms to promote biblical justice. Thankfully, the Kentucky General Assembly enacted new laws in 2023 to enhance the protection of parental rights, provide student safety in bathrooms, protect teachers against compelled speech related to preferred pronouns, and give parents a path to challenge pornography in schools.

Together, we can stand against the evil ideologies coming against the knowledge of God in the next generation. Together, we must remember the example of David taking on the giant of his day; Scripture tells us that he “ran quickly to the battle line.”  Together, let that be our rallying cry, not looking for a reason to stay out of the fight but eager to run quickly to the great adventure of our day. Together, we can charge the gates of hell for the glory of God and the rescue of the next generation!

Please join us in 2024 as we continue to ignite a cultural shift by building up courageous Christian leaders who will promote biblical justice and cleanse institutions of ungodly influence. Some ways you can join us include volunteering, praying for and with us, participating in our training events, and through financial support.

[1]The Lausanne Covenant, 5 commentary (1974). 

[2]The Lausanne Covenant, p. 48-49 comment (1974). 

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